Womens Cut With Basic Style
Includes wash and style
Includes wash and style
Dry hair cut
Solid color. Price varies on product used
Roots only up to 2 inches
Price varies based on length and density of hair consultation suggested for price quote
****consultation required for correct quote on price and time ****
Includes up to 2 colors. $10 per additional color. Price Varies on length and product used
Includes 2 colors $10per color after. Price varies on length of hair and product used
Price varies based on length ,thickness and desired end result
Refresh toner with a wash and basic style
Price varies depending on length of hair and amount of product used
$75.00 deposit required for new clients
** Service charged at hourly rate of $60/ per hour**Consultation Required** includes lightening hair and up to 3 bright/fashion colors, add more for $15 each. Price is dependent on desired end result which directly affects time and product usage
Add a solid color under a partial weave
As add on service to cut or color
Root smudge or add a base color to highlights/ balayage
Bridal up-do's include run through for bride
Includes wash
Price ranges from 45-75 depending on style and time
Consultation is free. Full deposit required for hair purchase
Instillation only
Removal only. *This is a per hour service*
Includes removal, new beads and reinstall @ 95 a row
$75.00 deposit required
Price may vary depending on thickness and length
$25.00 deposit required
Includes cut
Brows, lip, chin and any other unwanted facial hair you may have